Weapons armed groups in Myanmar have

. I think the U.S. should help the Myanmar PDFs. This is because though some have links to drug trafficking most are fighting simply to stay alive from a genocidal regime. Also if Myanmar defense groups had funding they wouldn't manufacture drugs. Also, I think the Myanmar drugs mostly go to countries that are against the U.S. So like how the Chinese government doesn't do much to stop triads and corrupt companies from giving Mexican drug cartels formulas to make fentanyl (because it destroys the U.S) Thai and possibly U.S gun smugglers helping PDF militias are counter to that. (Thai and Vietnamese gun runners are supplied through looting Vietnam war stockpiles as well as foreign gun makers via middlemen who have access to guns made in U.S./China/Russia). Though Militias in Myanmar have a very legitimate reason for fighting. (normally anti-government militias are allies) Myanmar anti government militias can sometimes fight each other and have the potential to be terrorist or criminal organizations. Also, I included pro-Junta militia pictures though info on them is scarce. More useful info here that can possibly do damage to the junta military is I found many sources of the junta or police seizing weapons from militias and recorded it. Those weapons are being given to Pyu Saw Htee militias which are pro junta and their weapon holdings are very unknown. 

 I have done more research on U.S arms sellers to Thailand are normally not smugglers. That's because they don't need to be there is plenty of legal exportation of firearms to countries neighboring Myanmar. Also, arms sales to the Thai military can go to the Myanmar militias because there are multiple incidents of Thai military members smuggling arms into Myanmar. That being said I did find a case of people trying to smuggle gun parts from America to Thailand.

America to Thailand smuggler brothers are believed to have smuggled 

- (250)  shipments of gun parts 

.45 handgun parts were seized



for what I said about U.S smugglers 

Also, you are not going to recognize the weapons depicted and listed. Look I am not by any means a professional but it took me tons of studying charts of weapons native to Myanmar and looking at pictures to get the best guess about what these guys have. I doubt anyone is just going to figure it out on the first try. Also, some may be wrong as I learned more before, I'd just assume what some weird bomb thing was or just simply ignore it before I educated myself through free info on the internet about firearms. 


Myanmar militias


Stands for the Karenni National Liberation Army. This group is one of the most well-armed groups. They are pretty well trained in fighting as guerillas and use hit-and-run tactics. This is because this armed group has been fighting the government for decades. KNU is the nonarmed government body of this group. Thus when sources say KNU seized weapons they mean KNLA

KNLA June 6 2023

- (about 70) bullets

- (3) RPG rounds all three are different types

- (1) Claymore

- (3) RPG tails {thats what I am calling them for now}

- (1) Grenade

- (1) helmet

KNLA june 6 2023 already had

- (1) EMERK-3 rifle


KNLA brigade 5 June 3rd 2023

  • (1) Glock handgun

  • (1) M79 break-action grenade launcher or a clone

  • (17) launcher grenades

  • (1) a more recently made M4

  • (2) a much older M16

  • (1) M16 A2

  • (7) clips and a lot of loose ammo


November 22 2022 capture KNLA

  • (1) MG3

  • (1) MA-1

  • (2) M16A1

  • (2) mortar rounds

  • (3) launcher grenades

  • (4) hand grenades

June 15th, 2022 capture

  • (1)MA4 rifle,

  • four MA1 rifles,

  • three MA2 rifles,

  • (1) RPG rocket,

  • six ENERGA rifle grenades

  • (2) claymores

  • (24) hand grenades

  • (2) 60 mm mortars

  • (7) helmets (32) mags of ammo

  • (2) trucks



  • (1) EMERK-3 w grenade launcher

  • (5) Launcher grenades

  • (1) MA-1

  • (1) EMERK-3 w drum

  • (1) M16A2

  • (1) Ruger 10/22

2022 November

  • (8) MA type guns {rifles}

  • (3070) bullets

  • (2) 9mm pistol's

  • (1) 81mm gun

  • (68) 81mm rounds

  • (5) 60mm guns ie mortar launchers

  • (113) 60mm rounds

  • (1) RPG-7

  • (77) RPG rounds

  • (28) Hand grenades

  • (1) shotgun (77) shotgun shells

  • (10) M14 land mines

  • (10) Other mines

  • (1) Landmine detector

  • (27) mags

Weapons used enough munitions to kill 11 junta troops


May 6 2022 KNU already had

  • (1) pump action short shotgun with a mag


April 18th 2022 KNLA had

  • (2) Ak-74

  • (3) M4s

  • (1) M16 A4 with collapsible stock

April 18tj 2022 captured

  • (1) RPG

  • (1) M2G

  • (10) EMERK-3's

  • (2) EMERK-3's with launchers

  • (5) MA-1's

  • (2) MAS-1 MK-I sniper rifles

  • (50) magazines


March 22 2022 captured KNU

  • (1) mortar launcher

  • (49) of one type of bigger mortar round

  • (44) smaller mortar rounds so (93) mortar rounds total

  • (59) RPG rounds

  • (15) grenades I think

  • (10) mines

  • (2) drum magazines

  • A big bag of loose ammo


December 21 2021 KNLA

  • a pile of ammo

  • (1) MA-1

  • (3) EMERK-3's

  • (1) MA-4 MK2 w grenade launcher

  • (2) M16A1's

  • (2) launcher grenades

Another seizure pic

  • (1) MA-1

  • (1) mortar launcher a small one

  • (29) mortar rounds

  • (8) I believe they are part of an RPG round being the tail end that propels the rocket forward or some type of grenade.

  • (4) I later learned these are small anti-personnel mines

  • (2) EMERK-3's

  • (1) newer MA-I MKI w scope

  • (4) bazooka rockets

  • (6) small bazooka rockets

  • A small pile of ammo

  • Big pile of ammo

  • (1) unknown pistol maybe a Glock and two mags

  • (7) inega bombs

  • (13) launcher grenades

  • (2) hand grenades

  • (7) rpg rockets

Already had like (4) M4's


February 19 2021 KNU had already

  • (1) M4 carbine

Source I can't find it again it may be on this page though in the mobs of links

1988 KNU

  • (5) M16 M1A1

yeah again I lost the source it may be in here somewhere 


Karrenni National army. Another Karrenni unit these are the older guys who were founded in 1957 

2012 KNA

  • (1) AK-47

  • (1) MA-4 MK-I w Grnde launcher

  • (1) MA-1 MK-1

  • (1) launcher grenade

  • (1) rifle grenade

Yeah I lost the source for this one I think it got taken down 


KNDF is a newer version of Karrenni National Liberation Army or Karrenni National Army. They were founded in 2021 but were birthed by KNLA and KNA which they are allied with. My guess is they got their membership from the students who were protesting in the central area of Myanmar and the children of the mentioned organizations. Then they were trained by the KNLA and other allied groups. Hence they are kind of just the new younger generation of guerillas this is why they have subgroups, with names like Karenni Gen Z    

April 14th to 19th 2023 capture

  • (1) Mortar launcher

  • (9) mortar rounds

  • (8) ineda bombs

  • (18) hand grenades

  • (1) claymore

  • (1) RPG

  • (9) RPG rounds

  • (3) MA-4 MK-1's w grenade launcher

  • (50) launcher grenades

  • (1) MA-11

  • (11) MA-1's

  • (3) MA2 LMG's

  • (42) mags and (3) drum mags

  • (1) MG3 LMG

April 1st 2023 capture

  • (2) MA2 LMGs

  • (3) EMERC 3's

  • (1) MA-1

  • (2) Ineda bombs

  • (18) mags (2) drums

  • (10) hand grenades



Karenni Gen Z 3/22/2023

Weapons used mortar attack

60 mm MA-7 ER mortars

Weapons shown

  • (1) DJI UAV


KNDF 6th December 2022

  • (8) inega bombs

  • (1) MG3 lmg and like 4 belts of ammo

  • (2) MA-1's

  • (4) EMERC-3's

  • (14) mags

  • (1) MA-4 MKII w launcher

  • (42) launcher grenades

  • (1) RPG rocket

  • (1) RPG

  • (2) mortar launchers

  • (3) hand grenades


KNDF June 22 2022 already had

  • (1) AKS-74

  • (1) mortar round

  • Mortar launcher

  • (1) RPG and rockets

  • (1) AKMS

  • (2)hand grenades



June 6 2022

  • (1) MA-II rifle

  • (1) EMERC 3

  • (2) MA-1's

  • (3) mines

  • (2) rpg rockets and (6) mags

  • (2) big soldier moving trucks

  • (1) weird drone gun thing

Already had (1) M16A1 (4) ak type weapons (1) RPG

May 13 2022 KNDF

  • (1) m16a1

  • (1) Ak47

  • (3) EMERK-3 rifles

  • (1) MA-2 LMG

  • (4) ma-1's

  • (9) rpg rockets for long range

  • (20) hand grenades

  • (13) ineba grenades

  • (22) mags wit bullets

  • A pile of loose bullets

  • (1) rpg

  • (1) tall mortar launcher

  • (2) smaller mortar launcher's

  • (20) mortar rounds

  • (5) claymores

  • (9) bazooka rounds

Already had (1) m16a1 (1) m16a2 (1) m16a4 (1) MA-2 LMG (1) MA-1 (4) AK-107's


KNDF May 22 2022

  • (2) BA-72

  • (1) MA-11

  • (4) AK-47's

  • (5) hand grenades

  • Unknown amount of ammo but 4 clips are shown


April 2022 KNDF

  • (1) sniper rifle


January 13th 2022 KNDF

  • (2) mortar rounds

  • (2) MA-2 MK-2 lmg's

  • (1) MA-4 MK1 w grenade launcher

  • (5) MA-1's

  • (3) EMERK-3's

  • (2) grenades I think

  • (18) magazines of ammo


December 6th 2021 KNDF capture

  • (1) AK-104

  • (3) AK-47's

  • (1) single barrel grenade launcher

  • (52) mags of ammo

  • (10) launcher grenades

  • (20) idk if they are rockets or grenades


KNDF already had September 2021


  • (1) M4 with scope and attachments

  • (1) unknown AR

  • (1) counterfeit AK

KNDF weapon use

KNDF and possibly KNDA weapon use in May 2022 61 battles 107 enemies have been killed by them. junta injured 1 KNDA on June 5th, 2022



the NLA is the armed wing of the NUG so when sources say NLA or NUG it means the same thing. NUG is the government body of the NLA

The NUG military, the NUG is more or less more of the government of the resistance fighters. Multiple smaller PDFs fall under their rule and I believe are trained by them at times. The NUG is less of an amateur militia and more of an actual governmental entity. But the NUG is an alliance of multiple PDFs working together 

2023 NUG criticized for raiding smaller PDFs known as PDG according to the article PDG defied the NUG's rules I don't know which ones. Instead of having a meeting with PDG like they normally would the NUG-affiliated, PDFs fired warning shots at PDG. PDG first responded with their own warning shots till they realized they were outgunned then they retreated or surrendered. I think the reason NUG did this was that PDG had drones (very valuable in war) and didn't have the means to defend those drones so NUG took those drones 

  • (3,000) bullets for small arms I'm guessing

  • (?) amount of firearms at least two hunting rifles and a carbine

  • (3) drones

  • ($9,500) in local currency 

  • (?) mortars and homemade bombs


October 26 2022 NUG federal wings

  • (2) big enough drones to be capable of dropping mortars

  • (2) mortars
  • (6) sets of complete tactical gear minus any weapons helmets wit night vision slots, vests, walky talkies
  • (1) truck


02/05/2022 2nd of May weapons seized by NUG they claim it wasn't from a PDF and they are investigating but it could be a PDF just not under the NUG flag 

  • (499) type 81 rifles 


The type 81 rifles were seized by an anti junta factory that I believe was selling them to anti junta forces. So low estimate is 100 rifles were sold to non NUG PDFs  highe estimate I am going to say 1000 possibly

Estimate on the factory before it was raided

  • (100-1000) type 81 rifles to various PDF's  


NLA National Liberation Army


  • (1) BA-94

  • (1) mossburg pump action shotgun {not 100% sure but close}

  • (1) .22 Ruger hunting rifle

  • (5) BA-72's

  • (1) AK pistol

  • (3) hand grenades

  • (1) Röhm RG-14 revolver

  • A ton of ammo, two knives, brass knuckles, and a radio


Natogyi regional defense force

November 9 2023

  • (3) EMERK-3's

  • (3) Lee-Enfield No.4's

July 24, 2023

  • (1) MA-1



another big fighting force for the rebels they have been fighting for decades. 


  • (5) EMERK-3

  • (2) MA-1's


  • (1) MAS-1 MK II 7.62 DMR

  • (1) MG3

  • (1) 6 shot grenade launcher

  • (4) MA2 LMG's

  • (7) EMERK-3's

  • (16) Hand Grenades

  • (1) mortar launcher

  • (32) mortars

  • (5) claymore's

  • (2) helmets and hella ammo


Armed monks already had April 21 2023

  • (1) Type 56 Chinese ak

  • (1) AKM

  • (1) MK-12 shotgun

Weapons use 23 rounds fired upon 3 junta troops


KNU militias are some of the biggest and best-armed militias. They get weapons from China and Thailand off the black market but also capture a lot of weapons from junta troops and police.

February 2023 not counted


Myaing people's defense force

Captured January 31 2022

  • (5) BA-72's one with a scope

  • (3) BA-93's

  • (1) Beretta M9

  • (1) revolver

  • A plastic bag of ammo

  • (2) shotgun shells

  • (7) hand grenades

  • A bunch of walkie talkies


Dawei dragon peoples defense force

  • (2) Turkish blank firing guns turned to working guns

  • (1) 12 gauge shotgun

  • (1) 40mm M79 pattern grenade launcher

  • (3) AR-15 pattern rifles


PDF Thabeikkyin

PDF Thabeikkyin already had 8th of July 2023

  • (6) MA rifles or AK's 

  • (1) pistol I think {I can't for the life of me see what that is it could be an rpg launcher without a rocket}


seized from Pyu Saw Htee militia 

  • (6) Ruger 10/22's 

  • (1) MA-4 rifle with grenade launcher 

  • (3) grenades 

  • (1) CRV sport civilian vehicle 

Peoples revolution army

 November 9th 2022

  • (7) homemade carbines 

  • (12) Small homemade bombs 

  • (3) medium bombs 

  • (3) long homemade explosives 


Background on chin forces. The chin ethnic groups grandparents fought in world war 2 and the group first started fighting a the government with homemade or antique muskets and the CNDF was founded in 2021. The chin people have always been poor and have always hunted deer and boar for food



2023 April 11th

  • (2) MA-1's

  • (4) EMERC-3's

  • (2) M1A1 bazookas

  • (1) land mine

  • (12) BA-63's

  • (16) Bazooka rounds

  • (6) inega bombs

  • (52) magazines of ammunition

  • (16) hand grenades

  • (11) launcher grenades

  • (11) no clue what those are some explosive ammunition

2023 april 11 Weapon uses by CNDF atleast 4 sniper rounds, and a land mine

Ammunition of some type to kill 12 junta troops


2023 April 10th

hree MA-1, one MA-2, two MA-4 and twelve G-12 guns and two 60mmm mortars. The ammunition seized included twenty MA ammunition boxes, 37 boxes of G3 bullets, 58 rounds of 60 MM mortar ammunition, 33 rounds of 40mm mortar ammunition, eight Inaga bombs, 12 grenades, 50 claymore mines and 500 mines.


2021 November 17 already had

  • (1) AK-47

2021 September 13th capture

  • (2) MA-1's

  • (2) MA-4 MK-1's with grenade launcher

  • (2) EMERC-3's

  • (1) BA-93

  • (1) mortar launcher

  • (18) magazines

  • (1) MA-1 MK 2

  • (6) BA-63's

  • A knife, helmets

Killed 12 junta fighters


April 2021

  • (2) Sniper rifles

Multiple Chin defense forces which were The Chin National Army (CNA), Chinland Joint Defense Committee -Special Force (CJDC), Chin Defense Force (Thantlang), Chin Defense Force (CDF -Zophei), Chin Defense Force (CDF-Lautu), Chin Defense Force (CDF-Mara), and Chin Defense Forces (CDF-Hakha)

2022 30 july to 31st of august (I don't think the picture is their entire haul)

  • (3) mags (1) drum mag

  • (4) grenade launcher grenades

  • (1) RPG round (1) hand grenade

  • (1) helmet and a bag full of loose ammo

Allegedly 60 junta troops were killed and one Chin militia member killed as well 5 injured



February 2 2023

  • (1) unknown revolver

  • (4) BA-72's {some wit longer barrels}

  • (1) BA-93

  • (1) EMERK-3

  • (1) EMERK-3 grenade launcher version wit no launcher



July 27 2021 3 soldiers and 3 police officers surrendered to the CDF without firing a shot and joined them. They brought

  • (1) glock pistol wit extra mag

  • (2) EMERK-3's

  • (2) Mossberg 500 12 gauge shotguns

  • (11) BA-72's

  • (3) BA-94's

  • (1) MA-12 LMG

  • Lots of ammo 24 ba-72 mags 6 ba-94 mags 5 EMERK mags and loose ammo radios 4 bayonets


Ta'ang National Liberation Army

January 12 2022

  • (26) Thaing shi rifles {I forgot the name sorry}


PDF Kalewa pdf and mawlaik pdf

16th March 2022

850 carbine bullets, 390 bullets for 5.56 guns, two A3 bombs


Pro junta Pyu Saw Htee militia

yep, there is a guerrilla war within a guerilla war. These are pro Junta Guerrillas. These guys are typically armed with weapons seized by the Junta military.  

March 20 2023

  • craft-made 4-barrelled "artillery gun" and improvised TNT-filled munition to attack.


Pro junta Warazup militia

yep, there is a guerrilla war within a guerilla war. These are pro Junta Guerrillas.  

Oct 2 2023

  • (1) RPG launcher

  • (2) weird looking rockets

  • (3) interesting looking hand grenades

  • (3) Claymores

  • Electronic wires and possibly primer charges for bigger explosives

  • (1) grenade launcher

  • (3) Launcher grenades


September 13 2022 had

  • (4) rifle I'm sorry the quality is soo bad

  • They also stole 26 cattle and 10 million kyat worth of possessions


October 2022 not counted already had

  • (4) ruger 10/22

  • (1) Winchester Model 1892 .44 I think

  • (1) bolt action may be a counterfeit

  • (3) unknown rifles


October 18/10/2022

(30) Ruger 10/22's



By junta military 77 pyu Saw Htee militias have been armed with

  • (2,080) weapons


Shan state army 

2018 had already 

  • (1) Yat-Thai rifle


Captured from Arakan army 

  • (4) M16A1's

  • (2) yat-Thai rifles

another link I can't find. 

Shanni national army

April 27 2020

  • (5) AK-47's not sure

  • (1) rpg {most likely}

  • (5) rpg rockets




April 24 2019 already had

  • (1) M16A1

  • (6) AKS-47

  • (3) AK-47's

  • (50) assault rifles in total


February 16th 2019 already had

  • (7) AK-74's


7th of April 2016

  • (1) M2 browning

  • (1) ak-47



Democratic Karen Buddhist army

DKB April 30th 2013 a

  • (1) M2 browning

  • (1) rpg wit 1 rocket

  • (1) recoilless rifle {anti tank weapon}



Border Guard Force. They are a pro-junta government force armed by the government. I know they are more well-armed than what I have listed but I would seriously have to dig to find a site with a picture of their arsenal

October 9th 2015 already had

  • (1) AK-47

  • (20) launcher grenades


PSF in monyma with two other forces


  • (5) AR-15 rifles or Kachin made K-09 rifles

Captured from police

  • (1) BA-94 or MA13

Military council (idk if this is the military or something else) already had 22 April 2023

  • (1) rpg

  • (2) EMERK rifles

  • (6) launcher grenades

  • (14) unknown weapons


April 20tb 2023

  • (2) EMERK-3's


Junta police

they are pro-government and are typically a soft target for militias because they aren't as well armed. Also the police typically have a bunch of seized makeshift weapons and cheap guns confiscated from criminals. 

seized six M22s, six AK-47s, one M16, seven pistols, one nine-shooter revolver, five nine-shooter revolver bullets, 300 point-22 bullets, 100 point-38 bullets, 50 7.65mm bullets, 150 9mm bullets and 50 7.62 bullets

https://www.myanmaritv.com/news/firearms-and-drugs-seized-firearms-and-drugs-confiscated-muse-0 not counted

October 11 2021

200 assault rifles, 20 machine guns, 32,640 rounds of ammunition


Shown in picture it's possible the picture isn't of what the police captured

  • (1) MA-4 wit grenade launcher

  • (1) MA-1

  • (1) EMERK-3

  • (7) hand grenades

  • (1) rpg

  • (1) rpg rocket

  • (2) MA-1's

  • (2) MA-12 lmg's

Arakan army


  • (5) MA-1's

  • (7) EMERK-3's

  • (2) EMEK-3 wit grenade launchers

Oct 2020

  • (12) EMERK-3's

  • (25) MA-1's

  • (2) EMERK-3 with grenade launchers

  • (10) RPG rockets

  • (52) grenades

  • (17) mortar rounds

  • (52) launcher grenades


2019 capture

  • (1) MG42 machine gun

  • (2) EMERK-3's

  • (1) EMERK-3 with grenade launcher

  • (1) MA-1

Not counted


Tatmadaw (Myanmar army pre civil war)

this is the government forces before they took over the government forces and made themselves head of the government

2019 capture

  • (1) RPG

  • (2) Grenade launchers

  • (1) M4

  • (22) AK-47

  • (1) other AK unidentified


12 December 2016 seized from Arakan liberation army

By junta police

19 AK-47 assault rifles with ammunition


Junta or Myanmar army 

these are the ones who took over the government by force

2021 junta

169 weapons, 231 homemade guns, 6 blowpipes, 312 magazines, 18,819 rounds of ammunition, 43 40- mm bombs, 16 mines, 48 grenades, 1,099 homemade mine, 175 homemade blowpipes, 61 smoke bombs, 5 visses of gunpowder, 28 strong, 11 weak, 43 bags of homemade gunpowder, 896 detonators, 4 detonator, 163 rounds of TNT ammunition, 9 rounds of C4 (1.25) pounds, 14 transistors, 20 keypad phones, 16 walkie-talkies, 5 radios, 2 binoculars, 16 satellite phones, 2 laptops, 1 hard disk, ATM cards, 1 passport,


one M4A1 assault rifle, one MK 12, 14 handguns, three handguns; two handmade grenade launchers, two hand grenades, 16 handmade mortar bombs, 155 rounds of ammunition, three magazines, two walkie-talkies, accessories used in bombings and Ford car were confiscated


34 assorted small arms, 70 assorted magazines, 2,105 assorted rounds of ammunition, 17 40mm grenades, 10 homemade bombs, two grenades eight mines, five smoke bombs, seven bags of gunpowder

1 m16A2

1 keltec pistol

1 sig souyar


that an Uzi gun, along with its two magazines, and 50 (point 38) bullets were seized

27 bombs of 40 MM size, 438 assorted bullets, eight assorted homemade mines,

one M-16 gun, one Carbine gun, three magazines, 20 bombs (40 MM size), 100 bullets (5.56 size), 288 assorted bullets, and five homemade grenades.


a Type-56 gun and a handgun were found in the house of U Soe Lwin (father's name is U Sone Shwin Shwinn) in the village. One K12, Three Type-81 guns, seven BA-63, four BA- 94 rifles, 20 M22 magazines, 1,945 rounds of ammunition, 13 detonators and four strings for explosion

on the same day, over 50 kinds of ammunition equipment including 34 Type-56 rifles and 105 M22 magazine

170 heavy and small arms, including an FN-6 shoulder-to-air missile



two AK-47 guns, one M4 carbine gun, one Uzi gun, one homemade gun, 163 rounds of 7.62 bullet, 83 rounds of 5.56 bullet, six rounds of 9mm bullet, two magazines of AK-47 gun, two magazines of M-4 carbine gun, one magazine of Uzi gun, three walkie-talkies, six chargers of walkie-talkie, nine homemade mines, two detonators, two fuses, one remote, 11 circuits, four fire tapes, two coils of nylon rope, one national registration card


one M-16, one M-22, one pistol, two M-16 magazines, one M-22 magazine, two magazines of SIG Sauer pistol, 25 rounds of 7.62 ammunition, 50 rounds of 5.56 ammunition, 20 rounds of 9mm ammunition.




Three pistols, one 12-bolt shotgun, 75 rounds of 12-bolt ammunition, 250 rounds of 9mm ammunition and 600 rounds of .380 ammunition



2 M22 guns tho it looks photo shopped as hell



Junta December 21 2022

  • (499) Type 81 rifles


The junta military probably gives seized guns to pro junta militias or police of can use them if they get desperate

2023 April 11 weapon use Local PDF were killed during a ceremony in a junta Airstrike carried out by mi -35 helicopters 40 to 100 died



2023 April 6th captures

  • (1) Sten gun

  • (2) bolt action .22's

  • (1) homemade ar

  • (1) norinco type 95 I think not sure

Weapon use junta killed 6 fighters


2023 February 2 Kachin state battalion 9 members killed Ammo taken


https://www.bnionline.net/en/news/junta-captures-pdf-camp-northern-kalay April 18 2022

11 short-barreled guns, a 2″ mortar and 5 shells, 4 RPG shells, AK-47 ammunition, 25 handmade landmines, 8 homemade grenades, 20 detonators, a generator, 1 walkie-talkie and some tools.

2022 January had already

  • (12) EMERK 3's wit bayonets

2022 January 19th weapon use 5 pdf members abducted and executed 1 killed in battle


2021 November 13 capture in Shan

  • (35) type-56 7.62 ak

  • (3) type-81 ak's

  • (12) unknown rifles


2021 26 June capture from NUG

  • (100) Ak rifles

  • (10,000) bullets

  • (32) 6 shot grenade launchers

  • (10) single shot launchers

  • (499) grenades


2021 May had already

  • (5) shotguns ammo too

  • (2) MA-1

  • (6) EMERK 3's

2021 April had already

  • (1) pump action shotgun

  • (2) EMERK-3's

2019 Myanmar military captured from Ta'ang National Liberation army

  • (1) China FN-6 surface-to-air missile launcher and detonator

  • (30) Chinese RPK LMG clone haven't identified yet 

  • (15) RPG-7's 

  • (5) different RPG's 

  • (54) ak rifles that I can't identify some are MA-1 EMERK-3's and AK-56's 



TNLA seizure sources^^  




2011 October had already {pre civil war}

  • (4) Ruger 10/22's

  • (6) MA-1

  • (1) Unknown rifle

  • (12) possibly Ruger 10/22's or some bolt action

  • (1) BA-93

  • (1) unknown

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